If you're looking for information to help you make an informed purchase, or need some tips to help you finish your first, or PB at your next race, you've come to the right place.
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If you want to grow as an athlete, it's important that you never stop learning. Some of us learn from our mistakes, and some of us avoid making the mistake in the first place by learning from other peoples!

We understand that in addition to having great equipment, knowledge is what will ultimately get you to the finish line. We've made it our mission to make sure you have access to the knowledge you need to do your first race, or run your next PB. It's all right here. Our Team Running Free athletes work tirelessly writing Race Reports, Gear Reviews, and Training Articles to try and help you learn, grow, and exceed your athletic goals. Check out some of our all-time favourites below, or view the most recent articles.

race reports resources

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Browse hundreds of race reports written by members of Team Running Free. Perfect for researching your next race, and picking up tips about the course and race organization. Learn from somenone else's mistakes and find out what NOT to do at your next event.

gear reviews resources

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Looking for information on a product before you buy? Read hundreds of in-depth reviews that help take the guesswork out of your next purchase. You can even ask to reviewer a question in the comments area and get the answers you're looking for so you can make an informed choice.

training articles resources

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Never stop learning. Our Training Articles section contains a broad selection of informative articles that will make you think, help you excel, train smarter, and even cause the occassional laugh or tear. Writen by members of Team Running Free. Select an article and learn something new today.