Product_Id | Product_Name | Product_Image_sm | Product_Image_Xl | Product_Price | Product_Sale_Price | Product_Sale_Price_Flag | Product_Featured_Flag | Product_Promotion_Flag | SortOrder | Product_SKU | matchingRecords | SalesRank | ViewOrder | AuxBox1Label | AuxBox1Content | AuxBox2Label | AuxBox2Content | AuxBox3Label | AuxBox3Content | AuxBox4Label | AuxBox4Content | ProductViewsL90 | ConversionL90 | ProductSalesL7 | ProductSalesL30 | ProductSalesL60 | ProductSalesL90 | SaleEndDate | hasSound | PriceDisplayText | PricingStartsAt | isApplyMembership | applySpecialMemberDiscount | inStock | Product_Discontinued_Flag | LegacyBaseSku | HasOptions | ProductPath | rating | IsSponsored | Specifications | isWarehouse | IsFeaturedDeal | salePriceClass | salePriceText | isCurrentModel | groups |
64598 | Under Armour Sprint Pro 3 | N64598-S.jpg | N64598_XL.jpg | 149.99 | .00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 268477 | 2 | 0 | 0 | user1 | 6.3 | user2 | 0 | DeptName | Shoes - Track and Field | SubDeptName | Sprinting | 0 | .00 | | | | | | 0 | | | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3022516-003 S24 | 0 | Under-Armour-Sprint-Pro-3-p64598 | .0 | 0 | Unisex Black/Gold | 0 | 0 | red | On Sale | 1 | 27,29,44,726,44315,45363,45364,45365,45366,45367,45368,45369,45370,45371,45372,45374,45389,45599,45600,45601,45602,45603,45604,45605,45606,45607,45608,45610,45674,45675,46668,48138,48375,56190,56577,58262,58265,58266,58370,58371,62116,62827,62983,63082,66452,66470,66499,66500,66502,66507,66508 |
64694 | Under Armour Hovr Smokerider | N64694-S.jpg | N64694_XL.jpg | 139.99 | .00 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 269233 | 2 | 0 | 0 | user1 | 6.3 | user2 | 0 | DeptName | Shoes - Track and Field | SubDeptName | Middle Distance | 0 | .00 | | | | | | 0 | | | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 3021831-004 S24 | 0 | Under-Armour-Hovr-Smokerider-p64694 | .0 | 0 | Unisex Black/Gold | 0 | 0 | red | On Sale | 1 | 27,29,44,45,726,44315,45364,45365,45366,45367,45368,45369,45370,45372,45389,45600,45601,45602,45603,45604,45605,45606,45608,45674,45675,46668,48138,48375,56190,56577,58262,58265,58266,58370,58371,62116,62811,62827,62983,63082,66452,66470,66499,66500,66502,66507,66508 |